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Outside The Box: A Total Immersion Swimming Program For Success In Open Water with Terry Laughlin (2009)

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Автор: Terry Laughlin
Формат: Color, DVD, NTSC
Дата выпуска: 12.05.2009
Продолжительность: 40 мин.
Язык: английский

Об этом DVD

An efficient stroke is the foundation for success in open water swimming, but comfort and confidence are equally important. The Outside the Box DVD from Total Immersion Swimming will show you how to take your best pool stroke to open water - then stay efficient in any condition and while racing.

  • Part One Perpetual Motion Freestyle: Maintaining a relaxed, easy rhythm for thousands of uninterrupted strokes is far more critical than sheer endurance. Unvarying efficiency also comes from creating an unbreakable cocoon of calm concentration. Part One highlights five key stroke habits for tireless swimming and teaches mental techniques for deepening your focus in open water.
  • Part Two Swim with Friends: The best part of open water and a key to safe swimming is practicing with friends. Rather than swimming in endless circles, practice a wide range of formations and patterns. Part Two illustrates five practice options for swimming with friends to learn energy-saving drafting, navigation, and comfort in close quarters but most of all to maximize your enjoyment.
  • Race like a Pro: Learn to thrive in the controlled chaos of race starts, to turn effectively, to save energy by drafting, and to get your bearings and navigate unerringly, without breaking stroke or rhythm.

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